Avenue Event Confirmation

Success! You have now registered for the Avenue Newcastle Information Session

Avenue Newcastle is located at 1 Warabrook Boulevard, Warabrook NSW 2304 – access via Angophora Drive

If you have any further questions about this event, or wish to speak to us beforehand, please contact us via the below.  

Avenue member Stephanie Trinh-Tran can be seen in the front right of this image, wearing a vibrant dress and smiling while folding a garment of clothing. Beside her are two unnamed Avenue members, the unnamed female in the middle wears a blue t-shirt and copies Trinh-Tran in folding the clothing. The unnamed female to the left wears a dark t-shirt and is also folding a garment. Behind the three women is shelves lined with garments folded neatly into piles that are not yet being processed