Avenue news


Making work tasks accessible to everyone, Hunter Disability Magazine

September 24, 2021

Zoe in Newcastle on the boardwalkAvenue Newcastle opened in August 2021 and has already welcomed thirty-five participants both remotely and in person.

Zoe is one of these and has joined the gigs and flyers micro business. She has enjoyed carrying out letterbox drops for our business partners and being engaged in our community.

After being initially concerned that Zoe’s support needs might prevent her from participating in a work-based program, Zoe’s mum Sarah was grateful to discover Avenue’s unique approach to breaking down work tasks according to individual participants’ abilities.

Avenue designs tasks so that everyone can be involved, regardless of support needs

Sarah says.

Avenue is a day program alternative where people of all abilities are supported to complete work tasks, socialise and develop their individual skills, regardless of their support needs.